
Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Just Walking the Dog

August is National Dog Month and what better way to kick start being back on my blog after a three year break! How about reading some awesome YA titles that feature some AMAZING dogs? If you're like me, you love spending time with dogs even more than people because let's face it, they just get you. 

To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

Lara Jean's little sister's dog Jamie Fox-Pickle has one of the best fictional pet names of all time! He's a Wheaton Terrier and his name fits him perfectly. He's sassy, but also very sweet. This book is great because it has love, romance, mystery, and playfulness that will pull on your heartstrings.

The Unexpected Everything by Matson Morgan

Sweet with fur flying fun! Andie must learn to embrace the beauty in chaos in this New York Times bestselling novel about friendship, finding yourself, and all the joys in life that happen while you’re busy making other plans.

The Way to Game the Walk of Shame by Jenn P. Nguyen

Taylor is not in a good place. Everyone calls her the Ice Queen because she always put her studies first. Luckily, her faithful sidekick and loyal pup Oreo is there to help her through it all.

Marley & Me by John Grogan

Of course, we can't forget Marley, he is one of the most loveable and sweet puppers out there and this book is based on the true story of his life. Through the telling of this story, we get to see how it is possible for humans to discover the key to happiness through a bigger-than-life, trouble-making, silly but sweet doggo!

My Boyfriend's Dogs by Dandi Mackall

When high school senior Bailey Daley shows up at a St. Louis diner soaking wet in the middle of a rainy night, wearing her prom dress and leading three dogs, the owner invites her in to tell her story of searching in vain for the perfect boyfriend.

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

This story follows a dog named Buck, a 140 pound Saint Bernard and Scotch Shepherd mix. Buck is abducted from a comfortable life as a pet and tossed into the chaos of the Klondike Gold Rush and the brutal realities of frontier life. Buck changes hands a number of times before landing in the kindly hands of John Thornton.

Stay With Me by Paul Griffin

Mack is a high school drop-out but a genius with dogs and Céce hopes to use her intelligence to make a better life than her mother. They meet and fall in love at the restaurant where they both work. When Mack lands in prison, he pushes Céce away and only a one-eared pit-bull can keep them together.

Tune in next week for more YA book recommendation from Mrs. Librarian Lady!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Runemarks is an amazing tribute to Norse Mythology!

Runemarks by Joanne Harris Reading Level: Ages 12 and up Genre: Fantasy 

In Maddy Smith’s world, the Order rules. Chaos, old gods, fairies, goblins, magic, glamours–all of these were supposedly vanquished centuries ago. But Maddy knows that a small bit of magic has survived. 

When the book begins it’s been five hundred year since the gods fought at Ragnarok which was an epic war between the Norse gods. A new group called the Order took over and has put everything back into place, but only it’s their view of what is wrong and what is right. To her dismay, Maddy was born with a copper mark on her hand which makes her an outcast or a witch you might say. When she meets a friend whom she calls One Eye, she asks him to teach her about the gods and her mark which is called a runemark. After several years of teachings and conversations Maddy is faced with a dilemma. One Eye wants Maddy to open Red Horse Hill and descend into underworld to retrieve something called the Whisperer. He tells her if she fails there is going to be another Ragnarok a war of all wars. Hesitantly she decides to go on her quest. 

Will Maddy have what it takes to complete her quest? Runemarks is an epic tale that delves into the heart of Norse mythology with excellent characters. A true believer of mythology will really wrap their minds around this one. 

This book is a good source of fantasy mixed with Norse mythology. The heroes are not always who you think they are, a little dual personalities going on here, but they end up winning their battle for good. It's been noted that Harris over did it a bit trying to include just about every Norse god or goddess she could think of. Tweens may be inspired after reading this book to learn more about Norse mythology. I know I was!

Booktalking Bonus: It would be fun to booktalk this book by using the Norse gods that are featured in the story. I would recommend acting out how some of the gods act because some are very entertaining such as Loki and Odin. I also think it would be interesting to talk about Ragnarok and what it must have been like for the gods to fight each other. You could also talk about the different beliefs of Norse mythology and explore the idea of runes and what they mean.

 I love this book because it is a real page turner. With so many great inferences to the Norse mythology and super strong character you just can't go wrong. The main character Maddy is a force to reckoned with. She is strong and has a very well-rounded personality that really balances out the story. There is a lot going on in this book with the coming of the next Ragnarok and Maddy having to go to the underworld to save the day. I highly recommend this book to fantasy and mythology lovers and tweens who loves a good epic saga.

Happy reading,

Mrs. Librarian Lady

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Ender's Game Is Excellent

What can I say? I'm a huge fan of the book Ender's Game! In this wild and out science fiction story, Ender Wiggin is a young boy who lives in a world where you have cameras in the back of your head and parents are only allowed to have two children. And oh yeah, aliens have attacked the world before and their going to do it again. Ender turns out is a third child, which is not supposed to happen. One thing we know right out the gate is that Ender is a fighter. He is young, but it doesn't take much to set him off. Early in the book we can see that the author Orson Scott Card engages readers by involving you with all the aspects of Ender's training. You'd think this would be boring, but I think not, Ender is recruited to the kid military at just six years-old! Many of the scenes are described in detail, especially the battle games, which are richly described and will entice any video game fans. Ender is portrayed as just a pawn in the larger scheme of what is really going on and readers will ultimately sympathize with this. Which is why when you read this book, you are completely drawn to Ender's drive and realize that he is a force to be reckoned with. I cheered when Ender made friends in spite of the tremendous forces that continue to bring him down. The ending will be definitely be a huge surprise, but I do not give away any spoilers here! I believe that this book will continue to reach each every new generation - current and future ones.

Booktalking Bonus! This book is great for booktalking about the science fiction genre or is a great book recommendation if a tween or teen is looking for a good book to read. There are some interesting ways to booktalk Ender's Game. You can talk about the elements of science fiction or ask the group what they would do if Earth was being attacked by alien bugs. I mean really, what would they do? This could be a great way to open up a talk for this book. With so many elements based in the future with aliens and putting 6 year-old in the military and cameras in the back of kids' head this one might start some really cool conversations. Ender's Game is one of my all time favorites! I read it over and over again because it is so very captivating. I was never really a big fan of science fiction, but this book is the one that won me over. It is everything you could ever want in a scu-fu book. I love the character Ender he is so awesome and I think that tweens and teens will love Ender too! This also a series so appropriately called The Enderverse. If readers love Ender they can keep on reading about him although they are a grownup version of him and so many light years in space, but well worth the read!

Happy Reading,

Mrs. Librarian Lady

Mrs. McGonagall says hi!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021



I can't believe it's been so long since I've last posted! I really do miss this blog. I've been so busy and a lot of things have happened over the last year. I started teaching at San Jose State University for their Master's in Library Science program and that is very exciting! I love working with graduate students and I am thrilled to be teaching our future librarians. I am also working on a book that has really been a work in progress due to the pandemic. My book is basically going to give away all of my programming secrets to librarians and library staff and I am so happy that I have the opportunity to do this! My focus is going to be on Adulting programs for teens because that is something that I think is really important for teens today. I just spoke at a virtual School Library Journal Teen Live event to start promoting my book. It was a total blast and has given me the boost I need to finish this book! The title I have for the book so far is Growing Up Is Hard. I'll post more about the book and about the new class I'm teaching at SJSU this fall, it's all about sustainability and I designed it myself. It's great to be back and I will try my best to post more regularly. I do have an idea to go old school and review middle grade and YA books I've been reading and offer up ideas for booktalks. So you should see that coming up very soon too!!!

Keep on reading,
Mrs. Librarian Lady

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Storms of the Greek Gods

Today is a dark and stormy day! I am reminded that the Greek gods and goddesses are a source of infinite wisdom. With this in mind, I would like to recommend the book Greece, Rome, Monsters by John Harris. In this great book, twenty mythical monsters are featured along with a supporting cast of gods, goddesses, heroes, and heroines. 
The book begins with a  warning telling you that you are about to embark into the land of creepy creatures. There is the Basilisk and if you see him run for your life! Keep away from the Cyclops, he’s a very big and very mean guy. You’ll not want to look at Medusa because there’s that terrible option of turning to stone. The book does offer a few nice creatures such as, Pegasus the beautiful white horse with wings, and the fiery Phoenix who is reborn out of the ashes over and over again. Calef Brown’s artwork is fun and playful with shades of sour-apple green, turquoise blue, and terracotta orange.

Of course this brings on a surge of memories for me of The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan featuring the notorious yet amazing Percy Jackson. Our hero is a teenage boy who is quirky, clever, and determined always ends up having nasty creatures chase after him. Percy soon finds out that his life as he knew it is not really the truth of who he really is. He has been cloistered away from the world of gods and goddesses in which he knows nothing about. There just might be a surprise relative that Percy never even knew about, but I'm not going to give that away. As Percy learns how to deal with his newly found origin story, he decides to go on a quest to find out who stole  Zeus' lightning rod. This book is excellent and full of great surprises. 
You'll want to read this one and the entire Percy Jackson series to catch up on your Greek Mythology!

Until next time, Happy Reading!
Mrs. Librarian Lady

Monday, April 20, 2020

Welcome to National Library Week !

Let's celebrate! 
It's National Library week all week 4/19-4/25, 2020. #Nationallibraryweek #Librariesstrong  

Every year in April, we get to celebrate a whole week in honor of libraries and give shout outs to all of the valuable librarians and library workers.  They play an amazing role in transforming people's lives and they have the superpower of strengthening our communities.   

This year's theme is very relatable "Find your place at the library," fits very well with what is happening right now, with our country all staying at home. The pandemic is affecting all of us across the nation, which has forced most libraries to shut their doors to the public.  The amazing thing is that librarians and library staff, they don't give up that easily.  Our motto through all of this pandemic has been "We are here for you" and we know that the library is your place and a safe haven for many. Libraries have taken to going online and virtual. We know that providing virtual services and digital content is what everyone needs more than ever right now. If you go to you can get an eCard and then you will have access to eBooks, movies, music, and a plethora of educational databases.  We are now also offering Online Storytimes and we will keep on creating more engaging activities because we love our communities. We want you to stay safe inside and access the library from the comfort of your home.

We'll be doing our celebration online and through social media.  This year you will see lots of posts on social media and we invite you to join in with us.  Check out our Facebook page at for our National Library Week Celebration and please like our page.  We are also on Instagram @Concordcalibrary and you can follow us there. Comment on our posts, we'd love to hear from you!

Until next time,
Mrs. Librarian Lady

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Do You Want to Make a Garden?

I just noticed that every one that is staying home is working on their yards and making really nice gardens.  I decided I wanted to start my own garden and was somehow able to get some seeds and planters from my local home improvement store.  I planted carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and some herbs.  The one thing that I totally forgot about after I planted everything is that I need some garden markers to identify each one!  Garden markers are great because they help you to know which plants are which, but they are also very decorative and add a nice touch to your garden. I am always craft minded so I thought why not make my own.  When I looked up DIY garden markers I saw that there were so many that I could choose from and I couldn't just pick one. Many of these projects use recycled materials, so this is also a benefit over buying markers.  I did decide on the painted clothespin markers, so I will have to post them after I receive my clothespin from Amazon. LOL. Here's a list of some of the cutest and coolest DIY garden markers that I could find.

I went wild over these adorable repurposed Spoon Garden Markers from the Magic Onions blog. This is such a fun and creative way to reuse metal spoons.  It also looks really easy to do!  I want to try this one just because it has so much whimsy and would make any garden look so sweet.

So hey I'm on a roll here with spoons and found this craft Plastic Spoon Garden Markers by the Sewing School blog.  I like this one a lot because I have a box of plastic spoons in my kitchen right now and a basket full of paint pens just waiting for me to get started.  I also like this because you can make it as colorful as you want. If you try this one for your garden let me know how it goes, I'd love to see a photo too.

These Brick Herb Markers are so cool! I found this tutorial on the Simple Details blog and all I can say is that it looks super rustic, but also elegant in a way.  I think the elegance comes from the fancy writing and this project looks so easy to do.  If you have any bricks laying around in your yard you can try it right now.  If you have some bricks, all you will need to make these awesome garden markers is a pencil and a permanent marker!

Wow! This has to be the most awesomest thing I have ever seen!  If you want to try these Aluminum Duct Tape Garden Markers you need to find yourself some of that aluminum duct tape they sell at the hardware store.  This stuff is pretty neat, it's made from real strips of aluminum. Aunt Peaches gives all of the details and instructions on their blog.  I think I could use this duct tape for all kinds of things around my house and around the library!

For some reason, these Clothespin Garden Markers were my favorite DIY design.  I think I like the simplicity of the clothespin and they look easy enough to make. I also like that you can change out your markers if you want to make more and you can also reuse them if you need to replant somewhere else, they seem very portable.  I think this cute idea by Chatfield Court doesn't cost that much either and that was what I was really looking for right now.

If you are working on a garden right now or you want to get some gardening tips before you start, first go to and get an Ecard. Then click on this link to go to my booklist called Do You Want To Make A Garden? and you'll be on your way to the garden of your dreams.

See you soon!
Mrs. Librarian Lady

Friday, April 17, 2020

Funfabulous Crafts To Do While You Are At Home

Are you looking for some fun and easy crafts to do at home?  I've got a bunch of ideas just for you!  The great thing is that most of the materials you need to make these crafts are already at your house.  If you're like me, you will want to make all of these awesome crafts right meow!

Jumpin Jellyfish!  This Glow-in-the-dark Jellyfish Craft by Craftiments is just so colorful and makes me so happy.  I love all the colors and I especially love the colorful yarn or Jellyfish tentacles because you can't get stung by these.  Well, let's get started on this funfabulous craft so we can hang them up and let them glow in the dark.

Sparkly and divine these DIY Mason Jar Fairy Lights really are the most beautiful sight I have seen lately!  They are so cool and I think I am on a glow in the dark trend right now.  I am sure that we really need to make these, they are going to help us pass the time and well let's face it, they are super dreamy and we need that kind of relaxation right now for sure.

I am totally in love with this Edible Finger Paint Whipped Cream Glitter!  Not only does it look delicious, but you can eat if you want to.  I like this video because it tells us how to make all kinds of colors and of course, there is glitter everywhere!  I think we can all try this one at home.  It does look really yummy and should prove to be very messy, which we all might like!

Whenever I see the word mini in a craft I get so excited! So, when I saw this How to Make Mini Volcanoes tutorial on the S&S blog I couldn't wait to check it out.  You can't go wrong with this craft, it has it all craftiness, science, chemistry, and an explosion of fun.  If you like the chemical reaction you get from the baking soda and the vinegar, you can do this activity over and over again.  This might be something you can work on while at home and possibly even get school credit for, it's that cool!

Here's another mini-project for you, or should I say a mighty mini-project???  I love this Mini Lid Banjo craft by The Craft Train. This fun craft will be entertaining for the whole family and you can play these babies all day long if you want to because they really work!  I'm going to make these and then I will be strumming some fancy banjo songs to amuse myself and the fam and I'll be dreaming of my time up on the big stage.  I hope you try these out!

I hope you enjoy these crafts as much as I do and that you have a chance to try them out at home.  If you make them please share photos on my blog, I would love that!

See you again soon when it's time to get crafty!

Mrs. Librarian Lady

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March is Devoted to the Strange & Unexplained...

Hello everyone!  For some reason I missed February and now find myself right in the middle of March and contemplating what to do now that I am experiencing my first ever home station until at least April 6th or longer who knows.  The first thing I thought of today was a YA book list that focuses on the Strange & Unexplained.  I have read plenty of those and have created a list just for your enjoyment.  Also, just a little push for libraries, check out your library's digital collection if you can't get any physical copies, you can get your reading fix with an eBook! Contra Costa County Library is offering eCards so you should try it out!

Welcome to the Strange & Unexplained YA Style

Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne

I Was Here by Gayle Forman

Shutter by Courtney Alameda

The Forest of Hands and Teeth

A Certain Slant of Light 
by Laura Whitcomb

Sleepless by Cyn Balog

17 & Gone by Nova Ren Suma

Blind by Rachel De Woskin

Ten by Gretchen McNeil

Highly Illogical Behavior by John Corey Whaley

I hope you can take some time to read some of these books, they are well worth the read!

Until next time,
Mrs. Librarian Lady

Sunday, January 19, 2020

January is Walk Your Dog Month!

January is Walk Your Dog Month and what better way to kick start your New Years Resolutions by reading some great YA books that feature dogs?  If you are like me, you love dogs and want to spend more time with them because they just get you.  This awareness month is a great way to help dust off the January blues, read a few good books, maybe go out and adopt a new dog, or if you already have one start taking him/her out for more walks.  It's a fun way to get out of the house and your dog will love you for it!
Here is a list of YA books that will have you begging for more!

Last Chance by Norah McClintock
In this charming YA novel by Norah McClintock, the main character Robyn is scared of dogs—like, really scared. But she agrees to spend her summer working at an animal shelter anyway. (It's a long story.) Robyn soon discovers that many juvenile offenders also volunteer at the shelter—including Nick D'Angelo, a boy from Robyn's past. A boy she hoped to never see again. Nick has a talent for getting into trouble, but after his latest arrest, Robyn suspects that he just might be innocent. And she sets out to prove it...

The Way to Game the Walk of Shame by Jenn P. Nguyen
A 2017 Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers, this witty and entertaining contemporary debut deftly combines high school drama with pitch-perfect flirty banter.
Taylor Simmons is not in a good place. Everyone called her the Ice Queen because she always put her studies first. After she got drunk at a party and woke up next to bad boy surfer Evan McKinley, the entire school seemed intent on tearing Taylor down with mockery and gossip. Taylor's faithful sidekick and loyal pup Oreo is there to help her decide if Evan is a good guy or not.  

The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson
Sweet with fur flying fun!  Andie must learn to embrace the beauty in chaos in this New York Times bestselling novel about friendship, finding yourself, and all the joys in life that happen while you’re busy making other plans.
Andie has a plan. And she always sticks to her plan. The only thing is that she never planned to become a dog walker.  In this adorable coming of age story, you'll see how Andie changes her points of view and how a half a dozen or so doggos can make a world of difference in the direction you are going in life.  

Suitors and Sabotage by Cindy Anstey
Two young people must hide their true feelings for each other while figuring out who means them harm in this cheeky Regency romance from the author of Love, Lies and Spies and Duels & Deception.
Shy aspiring artist Imogene Chively has just had a successful Season in London, complete with a suitor of her father's approval. Imogene is ambivalent about the young gentleman until he comes to visit her at the Chively estate with his younger brother in tow. This is where things get interesting.  Here we meet Jasper, Imogene's water dog and he may hold the secret to love, well you'll just have to read to find out what happens to this daring young couple.

Marley & Me by John Grogan

Of course, we can't forget Marley, he is one of the most loveable and sweet puppers out there and this book is based on the true story of his life.  Through the telling of this story, we get to see how it is possible for humans to discover the key to happiness through a bigger-than-life, trouble-making, silly but sweet!
John and Jenny were just beginning their life together. They were young and in love. Then they brought home Marley, a wiggly yellow furball of a puppy. And from that moment on, seriously, life would never be the same.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
Let's face it, Lara Jean's little sister's dog Jamie Fox-Pickle has one of the best fictional pet names ever! He's a Wheaton Terrier and his name fits him perfectly, he's sassy but also very sweet.  This book is great because it has love, romance, mystery, and playfulness that will pull on your heartstrings. 
Sixteen-year-old Lara Jean keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. One for every boy she’s ever loved—five in all. When she writes, she pours out her heart and soul and says all the things she would never say in real life. Until the day her sister mails her secret letters, and suddenly, Lara Jean’s love life goes out of control.

Rotten by Michael Northrup

A troubled teen. A rescued Rottweiler. An unlikely friendship. Jimmer "JD" Dobbs is back in town after spending the summer "upstate." No one believes his story about visiting his aunt, and it's pretty clear that he has something to hide. It's also pretty clear that his mom made a new friend while he was away---a rescued Rottweiler that JD immediately renames Johnny Rotten (yes, after that guy in the Sex Pistols). Both tough but damaged, JD and Johnny slowly learn to trust each other, but their newfound bond is threatened and JD must come to terms with his secrets and face the truth, which is the very thing that he is scared of. This book is a must-read!

Whipoorwill by Joseph Monninger

Sixteen-year-old Clair Taylor has neighbors who are what locals call whippoorwills, the kind of people who fill their yards with rusty junk. Clair tries to ignore her surroundings, choosing instead to dream of a future beyond her rural New Hampshire town. But, when a black dog named Wally is chained up to a pole next door, Clair can’t look the other way. Clair decides to save Wally, and the immediate connection she has with the lovable dog catches her off-guard, but even more surprising is her bond with eighteen-year-old Danny Stewart, the boy next door.