I've got a question for you - do you think that these types of strange events are created by people that just happen to have unhealthy obsessions with the dead and the decayed? According to professor Sarah Lauro, "the phenomenon isn't harmful or a random fad, but part of a historical trend that mirrors a level of cultural dissatisfaction and economic upheaval. We are more interested in the zombie at times when as a culture we feel disempowered, and watching a show like 'Walking Dead' provides a great variety of outlets for people."
Lauro talks a lot about the idea of having a "zombie walk," where a mass wannabe zombies get together dressed up in tattered clothes and zombiesque makeup with the traditional marks of the undead and then drag their feet around and try to do the zombie dance."
Here's the question that the Tween Tribune asked: "Do you agree with the author’s belief, that zombies make us feel better in hard times?" Well, I'm not sure but I sure do have a few zombie themed books that I can recommend to cure the zombie brain drain.
Here are my suggestions:
Rot & Ruin by Jonathon Maberry

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

Enclave by Ann Aguirre

Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter

Check these out and let me know if you think they equal up to the vim and vigor of Max Brooks' World War Z!
Happy Reading to you!
All my best, Mrs. Librarian Lady
- article Posted on Tween Tribune on March 11, 2013